Posted on Jun 13, 2012
At the recent International Council for Small Business World Conference, held Monday 11 June 2012, Times-7 was one of 70 regional innovative businesses selected to 'speed date' with international leaders in entrepreneurship.
About 60 delegates from the conference made themselves available for a fast-moving series of five-minute, one-on-one conversations with business leaders from the Wellington region.
Last year's inaugural BIG expo, at Parliament, attracted 70 businesses, ranging from emerging start-ups to some of the region's largest and best-known enterprises, who shared their stories and successes with politicians.
"This is an extraordinary opportunity for our business leaders to showcase their businesses and interact with some of the world's most inspirational entrepreneurs," says Mayor Wade-Brown. (refer Note 1).
"Times-7 was delighted to have been invited and valued the opportunity to promote its world class RFID products, not only to the conference delegates, but to the VIPs attending and the sucessful businesses also attending," says Times-7 CEO Antony Dixon.
Note 1. Extracted from WCC news article